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Аљоша Мандић

Редовни професор

Институт за онкологију Војводине, Клиника за оперативну онкологију


Телефон: 0214805446

ORCID ID : 0000-0002-6719-8694

Картон научног радника: 2323

Академска каријера Година Институција Област

Избор у звање


Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Гинекологија и акушерство



Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Гинекологија онкологија



Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Физиологија, гинекологија и акушерство



Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Гинекологија и акушерство



Медицински факултет Нови Сад

Општа медицина

M Опис


A Mandic, T Vujkov. Human papillomavirus vaccine as a new way of preventing cervical cancer: a dream or the future? Annals of Oncology 15, 2004; 197-200.


Mandic A, Novakovic P, Nincic D,Zivaljevic M, Rajovic J. Radical abdominal trachelectomy in the 19th gestation week in patients with early invasive cervical carcinoma: case study and overview of literature Am J Obst and Gynecol, 2009:201(2);E6-E8


Suzy Scholl , Marina Popovic, Anne de la Rochefordiere , Elodie Girard, Sylvain Dureau , Aljosa Mandic et al. Clinical and genetic landscape of treatment naive cervical cancer: Alterations in PIK3CA and in epigenetic modulators associated with sub-optimal outcome EBioMedicine 43 (2019) 253–260.


Mandic A, Radovanovic Z, Bezbradica B. Knowledge of HPV infection and Pap testing among young women in Serbia. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2011:112(3):244-5.


Radovanovic Z, Radovanovic D, Golubovic A, Ivkovic-KApicl, Bokorov B, Mandic A.Early complications after nipple-sparing mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction with silicone prothesis.Results of 214 procedures. Scandinavian Journal of Surgery, 2010,99:115-8.


Krivokuca A, Boljevic I, Jovandic S, Magic Z, Mandic A, Tomasevic Z, Brankovic-Magic M. (2019) Germline mutations in cancer susceptibility genes in high grade 3 serous ovarian cancer in Serbia. Journal of Human Genetics. https://doi.org/10.1038/s10038-019-0562-z IF:2,92 link: https://rdcu.be/bg91


Radovanović D, Radovanović Z, Škorić Jokić S, Tatić M, Mandić A, Ivković Kapicl T. Thoracic epidural versus intravenous patient-controlled analgesia after open colorectal cancer surgery. Acta Clin Croat 2017; 56:244-54.


Marija Jelić1,2, Aljoša Mandić1,2, Nebojša Kladar1, Jan Sudji1, Biljana Božin1, Branislava Srdjenović1. LIPID PEROXIDATION, ANTIOXIDATIVE DEFENSE AND LEVEL OF 8-HYDROXY-2-DEOXYGUANOSINE IN CERVICAL CANCER PATIENTS. J Med Biochem 2018,37: 1–10


Mandic A. Primary prevention of cervical cancer:prophylactic human papilloma virus vaccies. JBUON,2012:17:422-7.


Mandić A, Golubović A, Majdevac I. Laparoscopy in gynecologic oncology: A review of literature. Vojnosanit Pregl 2013; 70(9): 861–6.


Mandic А., Novakovic P, Nincic D. Surgical approaches towards fertility preservation in young patients with early invasive cervical carcinoma. Journal of BUON; 2009;14: 581-586.


Mandić A, Ušaj-Knežević S, Kapicl TI, Ninčić D, Malenković G. Cyclooxygenase-2 expression in cervical cancer. Vojnosanit Pregl 2014; 71(11): 997–1005.


Mandic A, Usaj Knezevic S, Kapicl Ivkovic T. Tissue expression of VEGF in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer. JBUON 2014; 19(4): 958-964


Jelic MD, Mandic AD, Maricic SM, Srdjenovic BU. Oxidative stress and its role in cancer. J Can Res Volume XX - Issue XX - Month 2019: 1-7 TherDOI: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_862_16

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Здравствена нега жена са гинекологијом и акушерством

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